CandyCrush 2025 Info

Weigh in dates: Halfway 22nd 23rd Feb | Final weigh in 5th +6th April | Times 9.30am-1.30pm.

Training dates: Saturday 8.2.25 | Saturday 8.3.25 | Saturday 29.3.25 | 6am start.

Location: All weigh ins & 3x trainings are held at the Otahuhu Pool and Leisure Centre.

Photos: Submitted from 1st April | Must be in Correct positions and full length *Optional Category.

Contact: Insta 2025_candycrush

End of Challenge Date: Saturday 12th April 2025. *You must have successfully completed the challenge.

Conditions: You must attend 2/3 training sessions and half way weigh in. Failing to do so you forfeit the challenge.E.O.C is open only to participants who complete the 12 week challenge.